Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, since it was too cold to actually get outside and find something of "sun" to photograph, I went with a shadow I saw on the porch. This is Darren's wind chime and the reflection that was cast onto the side of the house. Nothing fancy, nothing special - hopefully I can come up with something a little more creative today! This is a view looking out my back window. As you can see the sun is off to the right. Not really the look I was going for.

And of course another photo of fun times with Camryn. Here she has gotten herself stuck in between the bed frame and the mattress! (Not to mention she is wearing all of her juice on her sleeves)! I think I could do a separate blog of just all the things this girl gets herself into!

1 comment:

fyalonsproject365 said...

HAHA!! That is hilarious (Camryn stuck in the bed)!! I <3 it!